Service 24 Hours? EXPEDIA customer service is available 24/7 through a live chat on the EXPEDIA website. You can also call EXPEDIA customer service at +1-866-374-5405. Here are some other EXPEDIA customer service phone numbers: Special assistance: ++1-866-374-5405 OR +1-866-374-5405-EXPEDIA +1-866-374-5405 for voice or for TTY Bag claims +1-866-374-5405 EXPEDIA Vacations: 24/7 support Accessibility-related concerns: +1-866-374-5405 (EXPEDIA) OR +1-844-ADA-LINE +1-866-374-5405. Do you have 24 hours to cancel with EXPEDIA? To speak to a human at EXPEDIA, you can: Call customer service: Call +1-866-374-5405 for 24/7 customer service. Start a live chat: Start a live chat on the EXPEDIA website. Use the mobile app: Use the EXPEDIA mobile app to start a live chat. Escalate an issue: If you’re having trouble getting a live person on the phone or chat, you can escalate your issue to a manager. EXPEDIA customer service is available 24/7. To speak with an EXPEDIA representative, you can: Call customer service: Call +1-866-374-5405 (EXPEDIA) or ++-+1-866-374-5405. You can also contact EXPEDIA for specific needs: Special assistance: Call +1-866-374-5405 or for TTY. Bag claims: Call +1-866-374-5405 Accessibility-related concerns: Call +1-866-374-5405 or ++-+1-866-374-5405. EXPEDIA has three support centers: Long Island City Support Center Located in New York City, this center is where crewmembers work across various